Sunday, May 25, 2008

HaPPy 2nD biRtHDaY tO BrYnLeE!

tWo yEarS aGo tOdAY:
oUr LitTlE pRinCesS wAs bOrn
May 27, 2006
1:55 a.m.
6 pounds 9 ounces
20 inches long

LoOk hOw MuCh yOU hAVe GrOwn iN 2 yEaRs!! I cAn'T BeLiEVe mY bABy GiRL Is aLReAdY cEleBRaTinG hER 2nD BiRThDaY. bRyNleE, yOu ArE SuCH aN aMaZiNG giRl! wE ArE sO BleSsEd tO HavE yoU iN OuR fAmiLY. yOU kEeP uS LauGhiNg aLL ThE tImE! yOu ArE LeArNinG nEw ThInGs eAcH aND EveRyDay. We lOvE YoU sO mUcH aNd HoPe YoU hAvE a VeRy HapPy BiRThdAy oUr LitTLe DivA pRinCeSs!!


Rachel said...

She is so cute! Scott saw your blog for this first time and thinks she looks just like you. Happy Birthday Brynlee!!!!

Hone Family said...

Cute Pictures, I love your blog. It was good to see you yesterday... She is so big. Hopefully only 2 weeks before the baby is here :)

Matea_Bradshaw said...

I CAN NOT believe she's already two. I can't believe how fast time goes by. It's kinda sad...

Michael and Marisa said...

I remember when you had her, I thought she was one of the cutest babies I had ever seen!! She is still DARLING! And looks like she keeps you busy!