Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Brynlee's First Day of Preschool!!!

well the time has come....I can't believe my baby is old enough to go to preschool!! it makes me so sad that she is growing up on me so fast. I want her to stay little forever! (I want all my kids to stay little) I think we all wish for that!! she has been looking forward to this day since the boys started back. everyday she would ask if its her turn. she is such a silly little girl! we just love her to pieces!! she sure has her brothers under her thumb :) she did great on her first day of school. she has Mrs. Bradshaw as her teacher and is so excited!

ready to go to school!

I was trying to get a decent pic of us.....but of course I ask Bryn to smile good this is what she does!!!
attempt #1.....

attempt #2....

attempt #3....

attempt #4.....

OH WELL!!! I tried right?! thats why we love her so much cuz she keeps us laughing! :)

1 comment:

Mindy said...

She's sooo cute!!! I can't believe she is big enough to go to preschool!