Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Desert Big Horn Sheep Hunt.....

a couple of weeks ago, Josh went hunting Desert Bighorn Sheep, with Reggie, John, & Josey. they went for 4 days and packed in. Josh's pack weighed 55 lbs. They hiked lots and lots of miles! It was about 95 degrees during the day, with no shade, so it was a pretty hot hunt. But they had lots of fun, and had a great time!
This is how they slept the first night.....

this is how they slept the other nights..... (I would have stuck with the tent! )

John, Josh, & Josey

This is what happens when you hike for a long time! :)


Brooklyn said...

WOW-----I dont think I could ever sleep out in the open like that LOL...BrAvE MeN!!! And the noises would totally freak me out!!! YIKES!

Tara Redd said...

I don't see how in the heck anyone could possible think that that is fun!!! I guess that's exactly why I am not a hunter. i just married one! lol