Thursday, January 08, 2009

Just thought I would show how cute Brynlee's apron is that my mom gave her for Christmas. she is so excited that she has one that she gets to wear to while helping me out in the kitchen. It is way cute. it has her name on it and says princess down around the bottom of it. these pics are on New Years Eve day while I was making things for that evening and she had her on along with myself and I thought I would snap a few to show how cute hers is.

modeling the apron.

I thought this would show more of our cute aprons but oh well. you get the picture!

future Chef Brynlee

1 comment:

the Lola Letters said...

That apron is DARLING! Your mom did good :) ...and I'm pretty sure you have the prettiest little girl on the planet. Yep. pretty sure. really sure.